Ideas & Resources for November | 3rd Grade to 6th Grade

Ideas & Resources for November | 3rd Grade to 6th Grade

This blog is aimed at giving you some inspiration and ideas for teaching from third grade to sixth grade in the month of November.

Of course, the big celebration in November is Thanksgiving. Teach your students about the history and traditions of the holiday with an escape room activity, or with the close reading activities below.


In November 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected as president. This shortly brought about the Civil War, which changed the future of the United States forever. Check out these resources to teach your students about the influential president.


The First World War officially ended on the 11th November 1918 when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. Some blame the harshness of the treaty on the outbreak of World War 2. Teach your students about the famous treaty with these resources below.


Other important events from history are the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922; the coronation of Queen Elizabeth I in 1558; and the infamous assassination of US President, John F. Kennedy in 1963.


Famous birthdays from the Month of November include the Nobel Prize winner, Marie Curie; US President, Joe Biden; and wartime prime minister of the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill.


Don’t forget, our monthly close reading books come packed with ideas and resources that look at key events from history that happened in November, or some famous figures that were born or died in the month. The books come with ten individual activities, each with an informational text, comprehension and grammar questions, a writing extension task, a crossword puzzle and wordsearch activity.


These books also come in termly or yearly bundles. These save you a heap of money and give you a whole host of ideas for your classroom. They are also really useful for any quick, easy sub plans!


For over 2500 more resources check out Creative Primary Literacy!

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